Saturday, January 23, 2010

So You Might Notice a Name Change

Well since I wasn't too happy with the current name of the blog, I decided to change it. I couldn't think of anything catchy at the time, so I just changed it to whatever was floating around in my head. The Hot Dog Song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is in my head a lot, since the show is always on. I have never wanted to be one of those parents who lets the tv babysit my child, but I'll have to admit, when your 6 month old will watch Mickey Mouse for at least 1 entire episode you tend to use that method a few times throughout the day. Don't get me wrong, Jackson is great at playing by himself with his toys, but when he starts to get bored and I still have things to do, I do use this show a lot. He doesn't like all tv, just Mickey Mouse and Happy Feet. Anyway, I just thought I would explain the name change for now. Hopefully I will get to where I am blogging regularly, but for now I will just leave you with a few pictures of my wonderful boy.

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