Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Pacifer-LESS night...or so we thought

Ever since Jackson was a year old we have limited his pacifier use to only when he sleeps. Even though he just turned two, I'm still not in a big hurry to get rid of the paci just yet. Tonight Jackson got out of the bath and wasn't tired, so we read a book and played with his fishies a bit.

 Jordan just happened to lay him down in bed without the pacifier and we thought we'd try it tonight. Jackson cried for just a few minutes and then stopped. We thought he had given up, but when I looked back in he had found a long lost paci somewhere in his bed. We're convinced he's been hiding it for this occasion he knew was coming!

Also, what's better than one Popsicle?



  1. I am so nervous about the day we get rid of paci!!!

  2. Me too! Right now if he wakes up in the night I just find it and he goes back to sleep. I'm thinking I'll wait till he can understand a bit more.


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