Monday, November 5, 2012

Ava Months 2 and 3

This is Ava at 2 months old. It seems like she doubled in size. She was staying awake for longer periods of time  and eating a few ounces more at a time. She also started smiling a lot more and recognizing faces and voices.

This is Ava at 3 months old. Notice how she's holding toys and bringing them to her mouth! I can't believe how big she's getting. She's able to keep herself more occupied now by grabbing at toys. She's started to laugh and giggle when you tickle her. 

Her sleeping was great and she was only waking up once at night. Now she's waking up about 2 times a night but I think it's because she's hungry. Some are telling me to put cereal in her milk but I'm holding off until I can feed it to her sitting up.

She's still such a good baby. She rarely cries and has now started putting herself to sleep. She won't even let me rock her anymore. I'm thankful that I've had 2 babies that will do that, but I definitely miss the time I get to spend rocking her. 

I can't believe 3 months have passed and it's already November. I'm started to get into the holiday spirit and I'm ready to see what new things she'll start to do next!

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