Tuesday, January 4, 2011


A few years ago I got a juicer for Christmas from my Mother-In-Law. I am ashamed to say that I haven't used it near as much as I would like. Juicing really is very expensive because you have to buy a lot of whatever fruit or veggie you are using and you really don't get that much juice from it. However, it is a healthier way to get juice and you can make all sorts of concoctions. It is also a great way to use up extra fruit that will be going bad soon or as already started to turn.
Jackson and I are going to Florida tomorrow for a week to see my parents. I had bought a pineapple, two oranges and an apple at the store the other day that I knew I wouldn't be able to eat before I left and of course, Jordan doesn't eat things like that :-) I decided that I would get out my juicer for the first time in over a year and see what I could make.
I peeled 1 whole pineapple, 2 oranges and 1 yellow apple and put them all in the juicer together.
The juice was awesome and now my hands and kitchen smell fabulous as well.

Of course I didn't take any pictures because my camera is currently out of commission, but I have good news! I have a new Nikon camera waiting for me in Florida with my parents.

Talk to you soon!

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