Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Reading Program

This year I thought we would participate in the Summer Reading Program sponsored by our local library. We've taken Jackson to the library a few times before, but this is the first time he's actually been interested in looking at books. We went a few Fridays ago to get him signed up.

He picked out a dinosaur book to check out and I strategically got him an "I'm getting a new baby sister" book. We took those home and read them every night before bed. It amazes me how interested he is in books (mostly the pictures) now because he was so uninterested a few months ago.

The great thing about this summer program is that they have new activities every Friday. Last week they had a petting zoo for all the kids. 

After awhile of being kind of shy he decided it would be ok to pet the goat and the bunnies. I even had trouble getting him to leave to go check out new books. We finally made it inside and got him a few new things to read. He's really been in to space ships and outer space lately, so we got him a book about that and then one about cows and about bugs.

I am really hoping he'll take after his Daddy and be into reading as he gets older. That is one thing I wish I enjoyed more, but I'm trying to set a good example for him.

Have a great weekend!

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